【丸臉書】讓蘇吉的孩子回學校去! 《Ravenwood Fair》限時更新

2011-09-10 | 瑞巧@.@/

  《Ravenwood Fair》於本週推出「Back to School」限時更新主題。出現問題需要我們來幫助的 NPC 是蘇吉,她希望玩家可以幫助他的孩子們回到學校,所以玩家又有得忙囉!
2011-09-10_103931 2011-09-10_103936
Aleksi 和 Vixy
新材料 [tr][td]
Pencil Box
Chalboard Pack
Set of Colored Chalk
School Bell
新建築物   建築物部分新增書店、學校、蘋果攤。 2011-09-10_103511 2011-09-10_103515 2011-09-10_103523 新遊戲   孩子們喜歡的跳格子、旋轉機是本次新增的遊戲。 2011-09-10_103539 2011-09-10_103546 新裝飾品   小孩壁畫、閱讀樹、校長/校長夫人雕像、叢林健身室都是孩子們就讀所需的一些設備唷,裝飾他們讓學校更有感覺吧! 2011-09-10_103557 2011-09-10_103604 2011-09-10_103609 2011-09-10_103614 2011-09-10_103618 新任務   蘇吉媽媽的煩惱只有你能幫忙了!讓她的孩子們能順利上學吧! A Clean, Well Lighted Place 2011-09-10_103155 ●在你的樂園中擁有一間 Book Shoppe 書店(建築物) ●告訴蘇吉已經完成 獎勵: 2011-09-10_103207 2011-09-13_140332 2011-09-13_140359 2011-09-13_140421 2011-09-13_141255 2011-09-13_141321 2011-09-13_141311 2011-09-13_141357 2011-09-13_141416 2011-09-13_141430 其他調整項目 以下為官方公告本次更新 / 修復項目內容: Here are some bug fixes/tweaks that went out with 2.17: Fixed a bug where Vitalin blasts would hang around forever. It did kinda look cool though... Added a "Help!" icon to Neighbor's Ore Refiners and Food Carts. No more guessing! User ID is now displayed on bottom of page (this is more to help out the community support team here at Lolapps, but also to save some confusion for those needing help) Fixed a bug where entering the mine for the first time incorrectly had Huginn tell you about unlocked Achievements (should be Skelly now) Fixed a bug where you couldn't sign up for the Daily Energy Email Fixed a bug where the RWF toolbar wouldn't allow you to sign into facebook Fixed a bug where Huginn would tell you about Visitor Quests ("See that visitor with a "!" over their head?") when you were just trying to read a letter from the Princess Fixed a bug that made the Boardwalk decoration unsellable Fixed a bug that cause the Candy Apple Cart to lay the wrong way Taught Roy, the wandering minstrel, to play solo (before he'd just be sad and do nothing without backup)
RoInn YAUOx ZsskD
